The LifeDrylands is proving to be an interesting project as an opportunity for a degree thesis.
The topics addressed by the project are more and more current and allow for various insights and interpretations, especially with regard to ex-ante and ex-post monitoring actions and some methodological aspects of research.
To date: 6 Degree Theses, one of which is experimental, 3 Universities involved – UniBO, UniPV and UniMi – with 5 Degree Courses and 9 supervisors.
6 students: who knows if we will find any of these names among the future representatives of the next Life projects!
They put a lot of passion into it and the LifeDrylands project was carried forward also thanks to the work of Francesca Colombini, Emiliano Ghirardi, Mariasole Banderali, Marta De Bonis, Giulia Tarzariol and Alessia Gressani. Thank you! ?
Here you can find the titles and references of the projects:
Methodological proposal for the estimation of the ornamental value of indigenous plant species present in the dry environments of the Western Padana Plain affected by the LIFE-Drylands project.
Thesis by Francesca Colombini – Rapporteur: Prof. Juri Nascimbene, Correlators: Dr. Gabriele Gheza; Prof. Silvia Assini
Academic year 2019/2020, Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna, SCHOOL OF AGRARIA AND VETERINARY MEDICINE, Three-Year Degree Course in Ornamental Green and Landscape Protection, 65939 – Plant Biodiversity and Ecology of Landscapes.
Coenoses of Carabidae beetles of continental xero-acidophilous grasslands and heaths (Habitats 2330, 4030 and 6210) of Northern Italy.
Experimental thesis by Emiliano Ghirardi – Supervisor: Prof. Giuseppe Alessandro Balestrieri, Co-supervisor: Prof. Francesca Della Rocca.
Academic Year 2020-2021, University of Milan, Faculty of Science and Technology, Master’s Degree Course in BioGeosciences: Analysis of Ecosystems and Science Communication.
Ex-ante monitoring of Lepidoptera in the intervention areas of the LIFE Drylands project.
Thesis by Mariasole Banderali, Supervisor: Prof. Silvia Paola Assini, Co-supervisor: Dr. Gabriele Gheza.
Academic Year 2020/21, University of Pavia, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Master’s Degree Course in Natural Sciences.
Contribution to the implementation of action D.2 (monitoring of the project impact on ecosystem functions) of the LIFE18 NAT/IT/000803 DRYLANDS project.
Thesis by Marta De Bonis, Supervisor: Prof. Silvia Assini, Co-supervisors: Prof. Francesco Bracco, Dr. Gabriele Gheza.
Academic Year 2021/22, University of Pavia, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Bachelor’s Degree Course in Natural Sciences and Technologies.
Ex-post monitoring of the restoration interventions of Habitat 4030 in the ZSC Baraggia di Rovasenda (Az. D1 – Project LIFE 18 NAT/IT/000803 Drylands).
Thesis by Giulia Tarzariol, Supervisor: Prof. Silvia Paola Assini, Co-supervisor: Dr. Matteo Barcella.
Academic Year 2021-2022, University of Pavia, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Master’s Degree Course in Natural Sciences.
Ex-post monitoring of the restoration interventions of Habitat 4030 in the ZSC IT1120004 Baraggia di Rovasenda (Az. C3 – Project LIFE 18 NAT/IT/000803 Drylands).
Thesis by Alessia Gressani. Supervisor Prof. Marco Caccianiga, co-supervisor Prof. Silvia Paola Assini.
Academic Year 2021/2022, University of Milan, Department of Biosciences.