LifeDrylands has piqued the interest of a number of stakeholders already during the project planning stage by revealing strategic goals and actions to be taken.

Many of them have also established their availability with a letter of support:

>> Ministero dell’Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare  

>> Directors, Technicians and Managers of Protected Areas Managers Hosting the target habitats, such as CBNA  (France), PARCHI REALI, Parco delle Groane, Riserva MAB;;

>> Managers of Settori Ambiente-Rete Natura 2000 of the regions involved in the project areas, such as the Regione Piemonte and the Regione Lombardia

>> Environmental sectors Responsible of the Natura 2000 Network of the Provinces involved in the project, such as Pavia, Varese, and Vercelli;

>> Foundations, such as Fondazione Cariplo and FLA _ Fondazione Lombardia per l’Ambiente

>> Municipalities in the project intervention regions, such as  Trecate (NO) and Lenta (VC);

>> Companies that work in the project area and are sensitive to the project themes and to the enhancement of the target habitats (which are located within their properties) such as SEA, TERNA, PIRELLI, KCS BIOTECH SRL)

>> Trade associations benefiting from ecosystem services provided by the target habitats and interested in concrete project actions, such as APILOMBARDIA, ASPROMIELE, FEI-Federatione Erboristi Italiani, AIPIN Lombardia - Associatione Italiana Ingegneria Naturalistica

>> Plant nurseries specialized of indigenous plants such as Flora Conservation and Botanika

>> Landowners willing to sell their plots in order to carry out specific conservation measures: Institute for the Support of the Clergy of the Diocese of Milan, Cave Paradiso s.r.l.

>> Botanical Gardens of the Rete degli Orti Botanici delle Lombardia

>> Scientific organizations include the Società Botanica Italiana, the Società Italiana di Scienze della vegetazione, and the Società Lichenologica Italiana.

>> In addiction to our networking partner: Scientific managers/Project managers of other LIFE projects to share results and experiences arising from their respective projects: LIFE RICOPRI, LIFE SANDRASEN, GrassLIFE, LIFE České středohří

>> University, in addition to project partners: University of Hannover




LIFE18 NAT/IT/000803

The Drylands project is funded by the LIFE Programme of the European Union


