The interest of UniPV students in the topics addressed by the project continues to grow. Four new thesis projects have been added to those previously initiated/completed (see the article from October 2022).
Here are the titles and references for the individual projects:
Contribution to the implementation of action D.1 (Monitoring the project’s impact on ecosystem functions) of the LIFE18 NAT/IT/000803 Drylands project.
Thesis by Giovanna Angela Vesconi – Supervisor: Silvia Assini (Co-supervisor: Matteo Barcella), Academic Year 2022/23, University of Pavia, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Bachelor’s Degree in Sciences and Technologies for Nature.
Ex-post monitoring of biodiversity enhancement interventions in habitat 6210 of the ZSC IT1150001 “Valle del Ticino” – Trecate (action C3 LIFE 18 NAT/IT/000830 Drylands).
Thesis by Alice Bacchetta – Supervisor: Silvia Assini (Co-supervisor: Matteo Barcella), Academic Year 2022/23, University of Pavia, “L. Spallanzani” Department of Biology and Biotechnology, Bachelor’s Degree in Biological Sciences.
Preliminary assessments of ecological restoration interventions carried out in Habitat 6210 (Directive 92/43/EEC) in ZSC (Special Areas of Conservation) in Piedmont and Lombardy.
Thesis by Davide Franco Fabbro – Supervisor: Silvia Assini (Co-supervisors: Matteo Barcella, Alessia Gressani), Academic Year 2022/23, University of Pavia, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Master’s Degree in Natural Sciences.
Valutazione a breve termine degli interventi di ripristino dell’Habitat 6210 (Direttiva 92/43/CEE) in due Siti Natura 2000 nella Pianura Padana occidentale.
Thesis by Marco Fusè – Supervisor: Silvia Assini, Academic Year 2023/24, University of Pavia, “L. Spallanzani” Department of Biology and Biotechnology, Bachelor’s Degree in Biological Sciences.