Today we introduce a species we are particularly fond of: Corynephorus canescens… a seemingly insignificant “little tuft” 😊🌱 but a rare and endangered species 🔴
As a key species of the Corynephorion (HABITAT 2330), it is important for biodiversity conservation, especially considering that it is found only in the Po Valley, one of the most anthropogenically impacted areas in Italy, where its habitat has undergone a drastic reduction in the last 50-70 years.
In Italy, it is a species of importance for conservation, as it appears in the Italian Red List as an endangered species (IUCN category: EN, Endangered). A potential risk factor for the species’ conservation could be the recent changes in climate, particularly severe summer droughts, which have significantly harmed the populations.
In the fact sheet, you’ll find more information and curiosities to better understand this species.
> You can download the PDF fact sheet on Corynephorus canescens and other fact sheets produced so far at this link: [](
> At the following link, you can find additional information on the Corynephorion found in the areas of intervention of the LifeDrylands project:](
Stay tuned for future thematic fact sheets.