What was in these bags?!?
Material collected from the Valle del Ticino ZSC donor site, where there is an extensive and well-preserved Corynephorion habitat. We collected soil (the top 2-3 cm), clumps of Corynephorus, and crusts of mosses and lichens.
The material was then transported to the Ansa di Castelnovate ZSC, where one of the intervention areas of LifeDrylands is located: a portion of habitat 2330, which we are restoring due to its fragmentation.
The material was then transported to the Ansa di Castelnovate ZSC, where one of the intervention areas of LifeDrylands is located: a portion of habitat 2330, which we are restoring due to its fragmentation.
We thus completed action C4 (Creation of new patches of target habitat) and also took the opportunity to carry out an intervention for action E2 (Replication and transfer of the project), meeting with a consultant from PIRELLI, a company interested in future actions aimed at expanding our intervention sites for habitat 6210.
What else can be said… a truly fruitful day.

What else can be said… a truly fruitful day.