We have completed the staff training, as planned in Action A3, aimed at the operators of the parks involved in the project.
After the online meetings held between December and February, we scheduled field outings in the intervention areas to put into practice and test what was learned.
On Wednesday, June 30th, we visited the H2330 corineforests and H6210 dry grasslands at the Ansa di Castelnovate in the Ticino Park, while on Thursday, July 8th, we explored the H6210 dry grasslands at the Lame del Sesia Park in Greggio (VC) and the H4030 heathland at the Baragge Nature Reserve in Lenta (VC).

Habitat 2330 – Ansa di Castelnovate, Parco del Ticino (ph. G. Gheza)

Habitat 6210 at Parco delle Lame del Sesia (ph. S. Dorigotti)
Both excursions included technicians, park rangers, environmental and naturalistic guides, educators, and even interns working on their theses at the University of Pavia.
Many activities were carried out to actively engage participants:
In-depth exploration of the scientific contents of the project and the intervention actions
Identification of the key characteristics of the target habitats.
Observation and recognition of species, including similarities and differences between Rumex acetosa and R. acetosella.
Field simulations involving the search for “good” species (typical of the habitat), “bad” species (native invasive), and “nasty” species (exotic) within a given area.
We also tested some interpretive tools included in the educational kit that will be provided to the partner parks. Specifically, we experimented with mapsticks (cardboard with double-sided tape) to decontextualize plant specimens and map the territory; observations with field lenses; and shared reflections to find connections between the target habitats in cinema, music, poetry, and literature to engage the public.
Do you remember the setting of Emily Brontë’s novel Wuthering Heights?
Two wonderful days of professional growth, dialogue, and inspiration for all!
To download the program for the two training days, click Here

Realizzazione di mapstick (ph. P. Berera)

Rumex acetosa (Ollio) o R. acetosella (Stanlio)? (ph. P. Berera)

Riconoscere le “specie buone, brutte e cattive” (ph. S. Dorigotti)

Uso di lenti contafili ? (Ph. S. Dorigotti)